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Juju Nealy gets her head back in the game

Juju Nealy is returning to the court for her senior year on the women's basketball team. Photo courtesy of Juju Nealy

Senior star athlete Juju Nealy is returning to the Lasell women’s basketball team after a severe knee injury obtained in Lasell’s summer league left her out of commission for the entirety of her junior year. This year, she is back and ready to take on the court with her teammates for one final run. Nealy is excited for this year, in both her educational and athletic careers. 

“I am expecting a great senior year. We have a great group of girls that want to win, and we all have a goal of a championship so I’m expecting a lot of success this year,” Nealy said.

Basketball has always been an integral part of Nealy’s life, and her collegiate career began as soon as she got to college. “Lasell has given me a warm welcome since the beginning, with help in academics and athletics. Lasell has made me feel seen as an athlete and a student,” Nealy said. 

This support has helped her on the court and in the classroom, where she studies exercise science and has hopes to one day get her master’s degree in the field as well. 

Nealy also mentioned other plans for the future. Should she decide not to pursue her master’s immediately upon finishing her undergrad, another option for her would be going abroad to pursue basketball in an entirely new environment. “It’s up in the air for now, but I’m just excited for this upcoming season,” Nealy said. 

Even with a bright future ahead for this basketball star, Nealy keeps her heart and soul in the present with the drive for an incredible senior season. “We have a great group of girls that want to win, and all have a goal of a championship so I’m expecting a lot of success this year.”  

Despite suffering such a severe injury, Nealy hasn’t let it get her down. If anything, it has only made her more motivated to get back on the court. 

“I’m still the same player, my injury has affected me more mentally, but in a good way. I’ve become stronger against any obstacles that come my way and learned how to be more mentally tough,” Nealy said. “This type of injury can defeat anyone because of how long the recovery process is, but it just made me stronger.” 

With this attitude she was able to see her future self back on the court, and even stronger than before.  Nealy shared the story of her injury and how it affected her, saying, “It was definitely one of the most painful and scariest things that has happened to me. Going from never having surgery to having a major knee surgery was scary.” 

Despite facing the unknown, she was able to persevere and is finally making her way back to the team, just over a year since she last played. 

This mentality is what has driven her to get one more season with her beloved team. “I’ve learned that you will always overcome things when you surround yourself with people that want to grow and accomplish things as well,” Nealy said. “Being around people that have your back and want to see you succeed will just push you more to grow as a person and fulfill your dreams.” 

Nealy credits that by surrounding herself with the people who want her to succeed is the way to go when it comes to persevering through hardships. “Life is hard and things won’t always be perfect and work out, but when you become a hard worker and surround yourself with the same mindset things fall into place.”


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