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Pat’s party playlist


Graphic by Pat Carbone

Now I understand that many of you might not like these songs in general or don’t consider them party songs. But that’s why the playlist title is “Pat’s Party Playlist” and not “Your Party Playlist.” Listed below is a quick list of some of my favorite party songs. If you enjoy the playlist, or at least a few of the songs featured, a QR code is attached to find the playlist on Spotify.

“Clarity” - Zedd

I absolutely love this song. Quite honestly, this may be my favorite song on this playlist. A good throwback from 2012, this song will bring you back 10 years to when times were good, and you didn’t have a care in the world.

“Hello” - Martin Solveig, (feat. Dragonette)

This song is one of those you don’t remember exists until you hear it again. And when you do listen to it again, all you want to do is stuff I can’t say in the school newspaper because it’s the school newspaper.

“Memories” - David Guetta, (feat. Kid Cudi)

Who doesn’t love a good David Guetta song? Who doesn’t love Kid Cudi? Put them together, and you get a fantastic piece that still goes hard 13 years later. And yes, that’s correct, this song came out 13 years ago.

“See You Again” -. Miley Cyrus

I understand it might be weird to love a song Miley wrote when she was 15 years old. But so what? I had an awe-inspiring third place finish in my high school cross country race when I was 15. We all have our accomplishments. Miley’s just happens to be an outstanding chart-topping pop song.

“Gimme!, Gimme!, Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)” - ABBA

This one needs no explanation.

“Pepas” - Farruko

This one’s from my buddy James Falzone. I trust James’ judgment when it comes to party songs. Plus, I’ve loved it everytime I’ve heard it. Shout out to James.

“Does & Mimosas” - Cherub

Like my second song on this list, all this song does is make you want to have a good time. The chorus is unreal, and you can’t help yourself but sing along, even if the guy in the car next to you gives you a weird look.



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