As the new President, Eric Turner’s number one priority is to listen to the community.
Turner was first elected Lasell’s 10th president on April 10, and started the role on July 1. As he is adjusting into the position, Turner said he wants to get to know the needs of the people that make up the university.
“What I intend to do, particularly in these early months, is a lot of listening, reaching out to students, faculty, staff, parents, neighbors, alumni, –every constituency of the Lasell community,” Turner said. “...I want to hear what people have to say, what suggestions, compliments, complaints, criticisms they have…”
Turner said he believes it’s important to go through this listening process early on as it allows people to be more “candid” and honest about their feedback.
“I really am just trying to listen,” Turner said. “I’m trying to take it all in and understand what’s on people’s minds. And, there will be time to process that, but right now it’s important when you’re listening to people to try to be as receptive as possible.”
As Turner spends time getting to know the needs of the community, his experience in higher education as provost and vice president of academic affairs will help him in his transition to his new role as president.
Although Turner did not expect to become the president of a university, he always knew he wanted to use his leadership skills.
“In my career I have been fortunate to be in a position where I have managed people and organizations and that is something that energizes me,” Turner said. “I have aspired to lead a college or university for some time and I’m truly excited to do that at Lasell.”
Chair of the Board of Trustees Gerry DeRoche said the university will excel with Turner as president.
“With Eric’s diverse experience in business, in government, and in higher education, he was the perfect choice to lead the university into the future,” DeRoche said.
DeRoche has worked with Turner on the Board of Trustees for nearly 15 years, and said it has been a “pleasure” to work with him.
“Based on his strategic approach, his creative thinking, and his positive and thoughtful interactions with students, faculty, staff, board members, and donors, I believe Lasell will benefit from his strong leadership now and for many years to come,” DeRoche said.